Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys digital download. Info: [3 eBook - PDF, 86 videos - MP4] | 1.172 GB. All of the amazing tra...

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Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

Type: Digital download

Format: [3 eBook - PDF, 86 videos - MP4]

File size: 1.172 GB



Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys


The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

We'll teach you how to gain 20 pounds in the next 20 weeks, even if you have the metabolism (and stomach size) of a hummingbird.

Our workout routine and tutorial videos were made by Marco Walker-Ng, BHSc, PTS, PN, a certified strength coach with a health sciences degree who's helped college, professional, and Olympic athletes bulk up. He's also coached doctors, college students, grandfathers, and over 10,000 naturally skinny hardgainers. He's naturally skinny himself and has personally gained 70 pounds at 10% body fat. He also helped me, Shane, gain 55 pounds at 11% body fat in a little over 2 years. All of it natural.

Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

Build Muscle Quickly & Leanly

Gain muscle leanly and aesthetically, building a thick chest, a wide back, broad shoulders, and burly arms.

Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

Become Truly Big & Strong

Radically improve your fully-body strength, overhaul your posture, and develop an athletic physique

Bony to Beastly - The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

Thrive in your Body

Conquer your skinniness once and for all, becoming a true Beast of a man both in and out of the gym.

Here's what you need to do the program:

All of the amazing transformations you see around the site are from this Bony to Beastly Program. It's a workout and diet plan that covers absolutely everything you need to build muscle as fast, safely, and aesthetically as possible, and we’re here to help you through the entire process.

But to get the results we promise, you need to be willing to:

  • Get access to weights: A gym membership is perfect, so is a barbell home gym, and so are a simple pair of heavy adjustable dumbbells. It's okay if you start with your bodyweight, but soon you'll need something to lift, and free weights have proven themselves to be best for building muscle (largely due to their great resistance curves).
  • Lift those weights 3x per week: If you want to gain a full 20 pounds in 20 weeks, we recommend doing three full-body workouts per week, each lasting about an hour. We’ll give you the exact workout routine to follow, we'll teach you how to do all of the lifts, and if you record yourself, Marco can even critique your technique. The program includes online coaching, and we're here to help. But you still need to show up and lift. And when you show up to lift, you need to challenge yourself. Every workout, you need to strive to add more weight or eke out more reps.
  • Eat enough calories to gain weight: We're hardgainers, ectomorphs, skinny guys. For guys like us, eating enough food to gain weight can be hard, and you probably know that already. We'll teach what to eat, how to hack your appetite, and we'll even give you a recipe book full of the very best bulking recipes. And our approach is flexible. You can do this as a vegetarian, while eating in a cafeteria, while eating meals with your family, or on a strict budget. But it's still up to you to get your calories in each day. It takes around 500 extra calories per day to gain a pound on the scale every week. Without those calories, you will not gain weight.