Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D

Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D. Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D  In surviv...

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Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D

Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D



In surviving trauma, individuals are left with a host of easily re-activated somatic responses and an inadequate memory record.  Uncertain about what happened, trauma survivors interpret the somatic activation as data about “me:” “I am still not safe,”  “I am worthless and unlovable.”   Through the lens of these procedurally-learned, body-based responses, the traumatized individual makes meaning of all subsequent experience.  

In this recording with international trauma expert and author Janina Fisher, PhD, you will learn how to assess and make sense of trauma-based symptoms and how to apply neuro-biologically-informed treatment techniques drawn from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, a body-oriented talking therapy.

Download immediately Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy addresses trauma-related challenges such as:

  • Dysregulated autonomic arousal
  • Overwhelming affects and sensations
  • Intrusive images and memories
  • Impulsivity and acting out
  • Numbing and disconnection

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy offers simple body-oriented techniques for addressing somatic responses and can be seamlessly integrated into traditional talking therapies.

Here's What You'll Get in Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D

 Trauma & the Body Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Janina Fisher, Ph.D proof