Sheila and Marcus Gillette - Best of Ask Theo bundle offer

Sheila and Marcus Gillette - Best of Ask Theo bundle offer digital download. Info: [37 MP3s] | 664.21 MB. Whether working toward a better relationship, c...

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Sheila and Marcus Gillette - Best of Ask Theo bundle offer

Type: Digital download

Format: [37 MP3s]

File size: 664.21 MB



We’ve handpicked 7 of the most exciting shows on manifestation just for you!

The best of ASK THEO LIVE radio show

1. Soul Integration 101
2. Law of Attraction
3. Breaking Through Resistance
4. The Energy of Money
5. Creating Your Dream Job
6. Rewrite the Script
7. Miracles

All souls strive for peace, for happiness and contentment. Whether working toward a better relationship, career, financial stability, or just a better understanding of others, we create that which we experience. It is because of this, we all are trying to become better at manifestation. The information shared by THEO gives us tools to understand how to work through the resistance and stumbling blocks we encounter, how to better focus and create that which we truly desire.

“When there is a desire, there is a creation of a thought that is a bridge to the creative universal energy for manifestation. Integrating on a soul level, coming from a self-centeredness and wholeness, knowing that one is worthy of all that they desire is the key to receiving those manifestations.”---THEO

Learning to focus your energy can help you create the life you desire, giving you a true life of purpose and fulfillment. Whether you are working through great resistance or fine tuning your skills, THEO shares their wisdom to help you achieve improved wellbeing and inner peace

We’ve handpicked 6 of the most moving shows on relationships just for you!

The best of ASK THEO LIVE radio show

1. Your Authentic Self
2. Love and Relationships
3. Honorable Separation with guest Sabrina Fox
4. Connecting with Soul Family
5. Communicating with Deceased Loved Ones
6. Children and Parenting

“When you see the best in each other it is only a reflection of the best in you.” - THEO

This collection encompasses topics regarding the sacred relationships in our lives; relationships with partners, children, family, friends, and most importantly the relationship with self. As Theo points out, learning to navigate relationships is paramount, as emotional learning is what it is all about. Are you looking to connect with a soul mate or soul family? Have you ever wondered when to enter and when to leave a relationship? Do you value your family and friends over yourself? While we all know it’s important, we could often use support and confirmation on how to honor others while honoring ourselves.

“It is to come together in relationships and to be fully present within them, in that environment of what one manifests in one’s experience. For the soul, and one must trust this, manifests perfectly along one’s path what is appropriate for the growth, for relationships, for experiences. There are no wrong choices.”---Theo

We’ve handpicked 6 of the most intriguing shows on personal mastery just for you!

The best of ASK THEO LIVE radio show

1. Enlightenment
2. Advanced Forgiveness with guest Gary Renard
3. Getting Unstuck
4. The Dream State with guest Regina Meredith
5. Attitude of Gratitude
6. Near Death Experiences with guest Peter Shockey

Many of us are searching to understand the energy shift about us and our planet, often feeling overwhelmed and confused. This power packed collection is geared to those searching for ways to better understand this shift, connect with the higher self, relinquish the patterns of the past and thrive in the energy of today. The information provided will help to illuminate the process of soul integration; enabling us to feel more peace and joy in our day to day experience. The collection includes intriguing conversation with Theo, Sheila and Marcus, their audience and experts such as:

Gary Renard---Author of The Disappearance of the Universe and renowned teacher of A Course In Miracles
Regina Meredith---Executive Producer and Host of Conscious Media Network
Peter Shockey--- Acclaimed film-maker and screenwriter, including the film “Life After Life”

“To be fully integrated on the soul level, fully aware, masterful, as it were, of who you are, you are enlightened. For then there is the lightness of heart, the lightness of being, the wholeness of being. Discover the ecstatic feelings and be open and receptive to all there is to experience. That is the time that you are moving into. It is that fuller awareness of the spiritual beingness of self that is no longer limited linearly, and can bring forth and experience many things of great wonder, that brings about total acceptance, the ability to fully love the self. It is that which is fulfillment of heart, joy, peace.”--- THEO

Theo Guided Meditations Disc 1

1. Multi-Dimensional Experiences
‘An awareness of on being more than the physical body’
2. Manifestation
‘All your dreams and desires can be met’
3. Soul Integration
‘Integration of the fragmented aspects of the Soul into the wholeness of being’
4. The Rays of Enlightenment
‘You are the effervescent, colorful ray of the Soul’
Angel Voices music by Jeff Lantz

Theo Guided Meditations Disc 2

1. The Heart Opening
‘Creates an openness to guidance from the Soul’
2. Connecting with Angels and Spirit Guides
‘To know that one is not alone, and that assistance is ever-present’
3. Healing the Physical Body
‘Recognizing one’s wholeness, uniqueness and divinity’
4. Into The Heart of God
‘Finding comfort in the heart of God’
Angel Voices music by Jeff Lantz

Theo Guided Meditations Disc 3

1. Raising Your Vibrational Frequency
‘A raise to that which is the ultimate connection to Soul’
2. Out of Body Experience
‘You are more than your physical body’
3. Gratitude
‘A gracious heart is an open heart’
4. Expression of Masterhood
‘Recognizing the unique divinity that you are’
Tibetan Singing Bowl Music by Bradford Smith