Richard Welch - Brain Management & Subliminal Dynamics

Richard Welch - Brain Management & Subliminal Dynamics. Richard Welch - Brain Management & Subliminal Dynamics Subliminal Dynamics® and Brain Managemen...

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Richard Welch - Brain Management & Subliminal Dynamics

Richard Welch - Brain Management & Subliminal Dynamics


Subliminal Dynamics® and Brain Management® is a very advanced system of whole-brain learning and hemispheric balancing that super-excites the brain on all levels of consciousness, simultaneously. Subliminal Dynamics® and Brain Management® is a system that involves one’s perception of the world and beliefs in one’s capabilities to carry out a meaningful and productive life. Most people do not realize that the key to mental and physical well-being is in the subconscious mind. Once one knows how to access and correctly adjust a subconscious belief, it can dramatically change one’s perception of the world and beliefs in one’s capabilities. Mental Photography® raises one’s ability to interact with the information overload present today.

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It bypasses the effects of Dyslexia, ADD, and other “Learning Disabilities”. Mental Photography® is an important part, but must be used with other functions of the subconscious mind to produce a strong, clear pathway between the subconscious and conscious mind. Subliminal Dynamics® and Brain Management® keeps one growing mentally and opens possibilities that were never thought of before. 10 cassettes , 2 booklets, in plastic case!