Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Duane,DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light digital download.

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Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

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Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Transforming with Light Series Part 1

Graduate Light Body Course
with Duane and DaBen
Open to all Light Body Graduates

Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Duane and DaBen - Your Opening in Light: Finding Your Unique Energy with the Layers of Light

Receive DaBen’s live transmissions just for you during each meditation.
This course builds and expands on what DaBen teaches you in the Main course, Playing the Layers of Light, LB974.
Because of this, the Main course is a prerequisite.
This course was taught after its companion course, Playing the Layers of Light, which is a prerequisite. It offers you an opportunity to play more deeply in the energies you have opened to in the Playing the Layers of Light course. Now that you are out ‘there’ and the portal is opening; now that you have experienced this new light, you are ready to play in significant depths or dimensions and have far-out experiences.
You can now experience your unique energy more deeply in the light of the portal. With this experience you can become more flexible in shifting perspectives, in ways that open new spaces from other energy and thought dimensions.
You will discover that light is more than you have ever imagined.
You will be assisted by very special beings that can show you light in the earth plane energies, light with new meanings for earth life. Just learning to play the layers of light with the layers of light beings opens your presence in many dimensions.
In this course you will also explore how you bring this new light energy you discovered in the Main course into your personality and into the way you live your life.
For instance, you will be able to look at your life and issues such as in a relationship, you will look at what the relationship of this connection has to the light you are holding.
You will be opening in light, you will be in this new light, and you will find your unique energy in the portal of light.
With this course you will explore questions such as, “How do I begin to really, in depth, bring this light into my personality, into the way I live my earth life, into my connections and friendships, and into living in the light?”

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Sale Page: https://www.orindaben.com/catalog/prodno/LB711/